
Kit products

All in One mRNA Synthesis kit

This IVT kit is a high-efficiency transcription kit that can synthesize up to 200 μg or more of mRNA in a 20 μL reaction system, with a capping rate of over 95% and up to 99%. It should be noted that this kit does not contain cap analogs and poly(A) tailing system, so cap analogs and poly(A) tails need to be added additionally; or when constructing DNA transcription templates, poly(A) tails can be designed into the back of the DNA 3' UTR, so that it can be added in one step in the IVT reaction, and there is no need for additional tailing. ENO biotech can provide design of stable and efficient expression versions of poly(A) tails.
key raw material for mRNA synthesis

DNase I

Dnase I is a type of enzyme that can cleave DNA at phosphodiester bonds, generating DNA fragments with a 5' phosphate group and a 3' hydroxyl group. It can act on both single-stranded and double-stranded DNA, as well as chromatin DNA. The activity of DNase I depends on the presence of Ca2+ and can be activated by Mg2+ or Mn2+. In the presence of Mg2+, it can randomly recognize and cleave DNA at any site. In the presence of Mn2+, it can recognize and cleave DNA at nearly identical sites on both strands, producing DNA fragments with blunt ends or with one or two nucleotides protruding.
key raw material for mRNA synthesis

Inorganic Pyrophosphatase

This product is a recombinant Inorganic Pyrophosphatase derived from E. coli, which can catalyze the hydrolysis of inorganic pyrophosphate into orthophosphate. During transcription, the accumulation of inorganic pyrophosphate generated in the reaction can inhibit the production of transcription products. However, the inorganic pyrophosphatase can hydrolyze the pyrophosphate generated during the reaction, preventing the reaction from being inhibited and increasing the yield of products.
key raw material for mRNA synthesis

BspQ I

This product is a recombinant protein encoded by the BspQ I gene in spherical spore Bacillus subtilis expressed in Escherichia coli. It is a type IIS restriction endonuclease primarily used for cutting plasmids to prepare linear DNA fragments with poly (A/T/G/C) ends, as well as cutting DNA to obtain specific sticky ends. Its recognition sequence and cleavage site are:5'......GCTCTTC(N)......3'3'......CGAGAAG(NNNN)......5'

Liposyn X

Powered by a precision syringe pump that enables controlled and precise assembly of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), the Liposyn X instrument is easy to use and requires minimal setup and training to automate the synthesis of gene drugs.

Liposyn Y

Using advanced microfluidic technology, integrating pressure-driven, flow-monitoring and real-time imaging. Using pressure-driven mobile and dispersed phases, through the flow most sensor, into the microfluidic chip at a set flow rate, under the real-time monitoring of a fast camera to stably prepare highly reproducible and highly monodisperse microspheres and droplets.

Liposyn Z

The Liposyn Z is used for high throughput production of nanoparticles (LNP, microemulsions, etc.) using a hedonic flow mixer. The device contains 3 pumps that enable in-line dilution of mRNA, assembly of lipids and mRNA into LNP in a convective flow mixing chip and timely dilution to prevent particle size changes.