Tumor multi-cytokine

Cold tumors refer to tumors that, for various reasons, are not recognized or do not elicit a strong response from the immune system, resulting in very few or no immune cells in the tumor microenvironment. Immunotherapy is ineffective against these types of tumors. Intratumoral injection of mRNA encoding cytokines can produce cytokines in situ within the tumor to alter the tumor microenvironment, converting the tumor from "cold" to "hot," thereby activating tumor-specific immune cells to ultimately kill and clear cancer cells. Multi-cytokine mRNA drugs for tumors can be used in combination with immunotherapy drugs and have shown significant clinical progress.


We offer a full-value chain solution with independent intellectual property rights, covering from cytokine combination screening to clinical sample production and regulatory submissions. Customers can choose from the following integrated or single module/technical point solutions based on their needs:

Multi cytokines combination screening

Multi-cistronic mRNA sequence design and synthesis

Tumor-specific capping analogs

LNP delivery systems suitable for local administration and non-LNP delivery systems

Enhanced UTR and Poly A tails

With these proprietary technologies, key raw materials, and R&D production equipment supply chains, InnoBio not only solves the challenges of mRNA cytokine stability and comprehensive product cost but also meets the development and full-chain autonomous control needs of customers for multi cytokine mRNA drugs.

Development process:

Target Screening and Drug Design

cytokines combination screening

Homologous Gene Sequences design

mRNA Sequences optimization for high expression and stability

mRNA CDS optimization

high expression and stable UTR Elements design

mRNA Design, Optimization, and Synthesis

Tumor-Specific mRNA Capping Analogs

Enhanced Expression and Stability Poly A Tails

Multi-cistronic mRNA Sequences (up to 9 genes) Design and Synthesis

Full-length, Full Modification mRNA Synthesis

LNP delivery and formulation development

Tumor-Targeted LNP Delivery Systems

Development of Non-LNP Delivery Systems

Optimization of LNP Formulations for Specific Targets

mRNA-LNP In Vitro Transcription Technology

Pharmacological and Safety Pre-evaluation

In Vitro Efficacy Evaluation

Animal Model Construction

Immunogenicity Evaluation

Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics

Preliminary Safety Evaluation

Process Development and GMP manufacture

Development of Stable plasmid engineering bacteria

Plasmid Tertiary Library Construction, Process Development, and GMP Production

mRNA Raw Material Process Development and GMP manufacture

Lyophilized Formulation Process Development and GMP manufacture

Quality Method Development and Research

GMP-like Production and Supply of Raw Materials and Excipients

GMP-like mRNA-LNP Matching Process Development

Safety Evaluation and Regulatory Submission

Toxicity Evaluation


Body Distribution

Regulatory Registration Services

IND Application Support