Instruments and Equipment


Liposyn X

Powered by a precision syringe pump that enables controlled and precise assembly of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), the Liposyn X instrument is easy to use and requires minimal setup and training to automate the synthesis of gene drugs.

Liposyn Y

Using advanced microfluidic technology, integrating pressure-driven, flow-monitoring and real-time imaging. Using pressure-driven mobile and dispersed phases, through the flow most sensor, into the microfluidic chip at a set flow rate, under the real-time monitoring of a fast camera to stably prepare highly reproducible and highly monodisperse microspheres and droplets.

Liposyn Z

The Liposyn Z is used for high throughput production of nanoparticles (LNP, microemulsions, etc.) using a hedonic flow mixer. The device contains 3 pumps that enable in-line dilution of mRNA, assembly of lipids and mRNA into LNP in a convective flow mixing chip and timely dilution to prevent particle size changes.