
BspQ I

Product Type
key raw material for mRNA synthesis


This product is a recombinant protein encoded by the BspQ I gene in spherical spore Bacillus subtilis expressed in Escherichia coli. It is a type IIS restriction endonuclease primarily used for cutting plasmids to prepare linear DNA fragments with poly (A/T/G/C) ends, as well as cutting DNA to obtain specific sticky ends. Its recognition sequence and cleavage site are:5'......GCTCTTC(N)......3'3'......CGAGAAG(NNNN)......5'

Product Information

Product Type key raw material for mRNA synthesis
Category enzyme
Art.No EM4005
Scale ① 500U② 1000U③ 10000U④ 50000U⑤ 400000 U
Storage buffer 50 mM Tris-HCl(25℃,pH 7.0),500 mM KCl,0.1mM EDTA,1.0 mM DTT,500μg/mL OsrHSA,50% Glycerol
Storage temperature -20℃
Optimum reaction temperature 50℃
Transportation Dry ice
Active unit The amount of enzyme required to digest 1 μg of λDNA in 1 h under 50 °C reaction conditions is defined as 1 activity unit (U)
Concentration 10 U/μl


1. The volume of restriction endonuclease added should not exceed 1/10 of the reaction volume;
2. Asterisk activity may occur when the concentration of oil in the reaction system is high than 5%.