
All in One mRNA Synthesis kit

Product Type
Kit products


This IVT kit is a high-efficiency transcription kit that can synthesize up to 200 μg or more of mRNA in a 20 μL reaction system, with a capping rate of over 95% and up to 99%. It should be noted that this kit does not contain cap analogs and poly(A) tailing system, so cap analogs and poly(A) tails need to be added additionally; or when constructing DNA transcription templates, poly(A) tails can be designed into the back of the DNA 3' UTR, so that it can be added in one step in the IVT reaction, and there is no need for additional tailing. ENO biotech can provide  design of stable and efficient expression versions of poly(A) tails.


No. Name Scale concentration Storage
EK2001 H2O(RNase-free) / / -40℃~-20℃
EK2002 ATP 50rxns 100mM -40℃~-20℃
EK2003 CTP 50rxns 100mM -40℃~-20℃
EK2004 UTP 50rxns 100mM -40℃~-20℃
EK2005 m1Ψ 50rxns 100mM -40℃~-20℃
EK2006 GTP 50rxns 100mM -40℃~-20℃
EK2008 Buffer 50rxns 10x -40℃~-20℃
EK2009 EnzymeMix 50rxns / -40℃~-20℃
EK2010 DNase I 50rxns / -40℃~-20℃
EK2011 DNA Template 5μL 400ng/μL -40℃~-20℃
EK2012 LiCl 1.5mL / -40℃~-20℃


Contamination of DNase/RNase in the DNA template, reagents, tubes, pipette tips, or other materials used in the reaction can lead to reduced yield and degradation of the mRNA obtained using this kit. Please use dedicated DNase/RNase-free sterile tubes and pipette tips in the reaction, and wear new disposable gloves to prevent DNase/RNase contamination.

Product manual

All in One