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mRNA Spot products

eGFP mRNA(5-Methoxy UTP)

The eGFP protein, short for enhanced green fluorescent protein, is a commonly used reporter molecule. When stimulated by light, it emits a strong and bright green fluorescence with maximum excitation/emission wavelengths of 488 nm/509 nm. By transfecting eGFP mRNA into cells, the cells can express the eGFP protein, allowing for the study of transfection and expression within the cells.
mRNA Spot products

GM-CSF mRNA(N1-Me-Pseudo UTP), Human

GM-CSF, also known as granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, is a protein in mice that stimulates the formation of granulocytes and macrophages from bone marrow precursor cells. It has various physiological functions, primarily promoting the generation, differentiation, activation, and survival of these cells. Additionally, it plays a critical role as a homeostatic factor in the alveoli of the lungs, aiding in the development and long-term maintenance of alveolar macrophages. This mRNA is capped with Cap1 structure and N1-Me-Pseudo UTP modification. The UTR and poly A regions have been optimized with proprietary intellectual property rights to significantly enhance mRNA translation and expression for reduced immunogenicity and cellular toxicity.
mRNA Spot products

GM-CSF mRNA(5-Methoxy UTP), Human

GM-CSF, or granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, is a protein that stimulates the formation of granulocytes and macrophages from bone marrow progenitor cells. It has various physiological functions, primarily promoting the production, differentiation, activation, and survival of these cells. Additionally, it is a critical homeostatic factor in the lungs, where it is involved in the development and long-term maintenance of alveolar macrophages. The GM-CSF mRNA used in this study is a special type called 5-Methoxy UTP, which has been modified with Cap1 structure and 5-Methoxy UTP to optimize its UTR and poly A regions. This modification significantly improves mRNA translation efficiency and expression levels, while reducing its immunogenicity and cytotoxicity.
mRNA Spot products

Cas9 mRNA

Cas9 mRNA is modified with Cap1 and poly A structures, using N1 methyl pseudo-uridine, to enable expression of Cas9 protein from Streptococcus pyogenes in eukaryotic cells. The N-terminal and C-terminal of the Cas9 protein contain NLS sequences, allowing it to enter the cell nucleus. By binding with sgRNA, the Cas9 protein can target and cleave genomic DNA, creating double-strand breaks that can be repaired through NHEJ or HDR mechanisms for gene editing. The C-terminal of the Cas9 protein is tagged with HA for analysis and detection purposes.
core raw materials for mRNA synthesis

RhCap001(ammonium salt)

RhCap001 is a new type of cap-like object with proprietary intellectual property rights. This product is used for transcription with a starting sequence of 5'AG3'. Compared to the Cap1 and Cap0 generated by traditional capping methods, the EM1003 cap structure allows mRNA to have higher in vivo activity and translation efficiency.
core raw materials for mRNA synthesis

N1-Me-Pseudo-UTP(sodium salt)

N1-Me-Pseudo-UTP is a modified nucleotide used in various molecular biology applications such as in vitro transcription and siRNA synthesis. It can be added to mRNA through in vitro transcription to reduce the mRNA's immunogenicity and improve its expression efficiency by increasing ribosome binding. Experimental evidence has shown that N1-Me-Pseudo-UTP can further enhance mRNA expression efficiency in cells and mice compared to pseudo-UTP, while reducing mRNA's immunogenicity. This product is a sodium salt solution of N1-Me-Pseudo-UTP with a purity of≥ 98% (HPLC), a concentration of 100mM±5mM, and no contamination of endonucleases, exonucleases, and ribonucleases.