
Cas9 mRNA

Product Type
mRNA Spot products
Gene Editing mRNA


Cas9 mRNA is modified with Cap1 and poly A structures, using N1 methyl pseudo-uridine, to enable expression of Cas9 protein from Streptococcus pyogenes in eukaryotic cells. The N-terminal and C-terminal of the Cas9 protein contain NLS sequences, allowing it to enter the cell nucleus. By binding with sgRNA, the Cas9 protein can target and cleave genomic DNA, creating double-strand breaks that can be repaired through NHEJ or HDR mechanisms for gene editing. The C-terminal of the Cas9 protein is tagged with HA for analysis and detection purposes.

Product Information

Product Type mRNA Spot products
Category Gene Editing mRNA
Art.No ER3001
Scale ①50μg②200μg③500μg④1mg
CDS length/nt 4245
Purity/% ≥90
Modified Nucleotide N1-Me-Pseudo UTP
Capping efficiency/% 不展示
Cap categories cap1
Storage buffer RNase-free water
Storage temperature -80℃
Transportation Dry ice


This product is only intended for research purposes and should not be used for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes in humans or animals.