
T7 RNA Polymerase

Product Type
key raw material for mRNA synthesis


This product is a recombinant source of T7 RNA polymerase from Escherichia coli. It is a DNA-dependent RNA polymerase that specifically recognizes the T7 promoter and synthesizes RNA chains complementary to the downstream template strand. It uses single-stranded or double-stranded DNA templates containing the T7 promoter sequence and NTPs as substrates.

Product Information

Product Type key raw material for mRNA synthesis
Category enzyme
Art.No EM4001
Scale ① 500U② 5000U③ 25000U④ 50000U
Storage buffer 50 mM Tris-HCl(25℃,pH 7.9),100mM NaCl,0.1mM EDTA,2 mM DTT,0.1% Triton X-100,50%(v/v)glycerol
Storage temperature -30℃ ~ -15℃
Optimum reaction temperature 37℃
Transportation <0°C transportation
Active unit The amount of enzyme required to incorporate 1 nmol of [3H]GMP into the acid-insoluble precipitate in 1 h at 37°C, pH 8.0 is defined as one unit of activity.
Concentration 50 U/μl


1. High-quality RNase-free DNA template is essential for transcription results.
2. The template DNA can be obtained by linearized circular plasmid or PCR. The template must contain the T7 initiator sequence upstream and the flat end or coding strand 5 and end protruding downstream.
3. An RNAase inhibitor can be added to the reaction to prevent RNAase contamination. The recommended concentration is 1-2 U/μL.
4. The addition of inorganic pyrophosphatase to the reaction system can significantly increase the rate of transcription products.